
Publih On: 2023-12-02

Access on src/pages/gallery/image

gallery/image this area for update your gallery image page

Note: don’t delete [].astro files.


layout: ../../../design/gallery/imagepost.astro # default themes
title: Insert title in here..
description: Description in here..
image: insert url image here...
pubDate: insert publish date here.. # example : 2023-12-05
tags: ["insert tag here,," , "tag1" , "tag2"]
categories: 'insert categories here..'
Write content in here...

after you have update, save it.

For simple and fast step, you can copy and paste from example .md files then edit with your needed.

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Creative Photo ART

Creative Photo ART

Berkarya lah dengan kegilaan yang mahal, bukan berkarya dengan kemahalan yang gila - The ART of Photography.

Hollywood - presinteia , 77th
Sesame Street
Merduso - USA.