How to install Astro Template

Documentation Installation astro js blacks themes template

#astro #blogging #installation #template #themes

How to install Astro Template


Publih On: 2023-12-02

Installation this project.

Local Installation

Work with this astro blacks

Now you need to update and config your website,for first you need to access on src/data open config.json and home.json files and change with your needed.

You can change title, description ,and others for your website.

read how work with data →

Ok, Now we can move to src/pages folder.

Need to change and update

Next step, you can create promotion widget page for displaying on all page post article. Access on src/content/services

read here how to work with content promotion page →

Cloud Installation

Before push your project, you need to add your domain. For first you can open astro.config.mjs

and change site url with your domain name , example

export default defineConfig({
  site: '',
  integrations: [preact()]

If you want , you can use our services for work with headless cms and setup your website project,until your website is live !!

Integration with headless CMS Now →

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